Author's posts

Statements on animal welfare from Labour’s Leader and Deputy Leader

It has become a tradition for LAWS to approach candidates in Labour’s Leader and Deputy Leader elections, asking them to provide a statement giving their views on animal welfare issues. Their views are important because animal welfare is important, but also because a significant number of electors (and Labour members) believe these issues are important …

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Sir Keir Starmer

Labour’s socialist societies are a hugely important part of the Labour Party family and the Labour Animal Welfare Society play a crucial role in campaigning on the rights of animals and promoting animal welfare within our party. We are the Party of the hunting ban and the Animal Welfare Act and that wouldn’t be the …

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LAWS Karaoke Fringe Event at Labour Conference 2018

LAWS Karaoke Advert LAbour Conference 2018

Conference Karaoke 2017!


March 11, 2017 Bloomsbury Baptist Church, London WC2H 8EP TIMETABLE 10.15 – 10.30 Tea, coffee biscuits 10.30 – 10.40 opening remarks and welcome 10.40 – 11.05 Commercial shooting – panel discussion with Luke Steele 11.05 – 11.30 Dominic Dyer, Born Free The Ivory Trade and update on badger cull 11.30- 12.00 Nick Palmer (CFI) Labour …

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Important News!

The Government e-petition on Ivory started by LAWS Executive member Ellen Cobb who is also a member of the Labour Animal Rights Group reached over 100,000 signatures at the start of February and in turn was debated in Parliament on Monday 6th February with Mary Glindon MP speaking from Labour’s Shadow DeFRA team. The Government …

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LAWS Day Conference – Saturday 11th March 2017

The Labour Animal Welfare Society will hold its annual Day Conference on Saturday 11th March 2017. The provisional agenda will include speakers on a range of subjects including how Brexit will affect the animal welfare agenda, CCTV in slaughterhouses, the ivory trade, shooting and the strengthening of animal welfare legislation. The conference will be held …

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A few months ago, Jeremy Corbyn and the then Shadow Secretary of State for DEFRA, Kerry McCarthy, commissioned Nick Palmer, former Labour MP for Broxtowe, and Michelle Thew, former PPC for Bexhill and Battle and CEO of Cruelty Free International, to prepare a substantial animal welfare package. After wide consultation with interested organisations, the package …

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Andy Burnham MP Of all the issues confronting a new leader of the Labour Party, and a party seeking to regain the trust of the electorate and govern the country in five years time, animal welfare isn’t at the top of the agenda. But it is an issue that many voters care passionately about, as …

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Labour Party Campaign Report

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