By joining the Labour Animal Welfare Society, you’ll be part of an organisation that works to improve the lives of animals by promoting the cause of animal welfare across the Labour movement.
LAWS is affiliated to the Labour Party as one of the official Socialist Societies.
The 2024 LAWS AGM approved reform of the membership fees and structure. This means that individual membership is now £20 per year, with a concession rate of £10 per year. Organisations and Constituency Labour Parties can also join/affiliate to LAWS for £30 per year. Join securely through PayPal below.
PLEASE NOTE: the annual membership period runs from October each year. If you join now (prior to October 2024), you will be contacted about renewal in October 2025.
Full membership
£20 per year
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Reduced rate (unwaged) membership
£10 per year
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Membership for organisations/CLPs
£30 per year
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For any enquiries, please email labouranimalwelfaresociety@gmail.com.